The Big Questions

  • Who is this for?

    Becoming Blueprint is an ecosystem for brilliant women to gather and be welcomed, right where they are. This is a space for you to get support, create a strategy, and launch into the next chapter of your becoming.

    Some blueprinters may be mid-stream in a career that is fabulous, but feel a yearning for weaving together a less fragmented and more whole next chapter. Some blueprinters may be thriving as primary caregivers, but yearn to tap into, amplify, and listen more deeply to their own yearnings for being in the world. Some blueprinters may be looking to get back into the workforce after a break, and are seeking to on-ramp, rediscover, or create an entrepreneurial path.

    This is for women who have arrived at a place in life and find that they’ve outgrown the set-up of life as it is now. In short, this program is for women who are looking to integrate life across its scattered parts - to live from alignment, wholeness, and aliveness. Women who want to take a deep breath and deep look, reset, and craft a path forward in a supported community.

  • What time will I get with Ali?

    You’ll be with Ali each week! In the live group sessions, you’ll be with her in real time (no recordings!) and have opportunities to engage through Q+A and spotlight coaching. You’ll also be together to engage in an intimate, small-format group coaching environment in the rally pods three times throughout the program.

  • How much of my time will it take to be a part of Becoming Blueprint?

    There are 15 live sessions in the program, spanning from February to May, with a one week integration break at the mid-point. You should plan on about 2 hours per week at a minimum to attend the calls (or watch the videos) and reflect on the key aspects of the process for the week. Each week there will be resources to dive deeper, integration practices to engage, and reflection to do as well - engagement is suggested but in a choose your own adventure format.

    This investment would likely include daily or weekly practices you choose to engage to take care of yourself and manage your energy and/or practices to support what you are building and becoming. The investment you are able to make directly correlates to what you will take away, so making space to sink into the process will support the results you get.

  • How is this different from other programs? Therapy? Coaching?

    We are big fans of therapy and 1-1 coaching as pathways for a shift in life. This program work differently by building on the transformative power of a community. Becoming Blueprint offers an ecosystem of change, with a seasoned guide and a supportive tribe of other women to multiply your own efforts.

    For many years I’ve coached individual women (and men) and supported them individually with these processes - with good results for my clients. And yet, only I can see the themes, hear the stories, and gather what truly works, because we are working individually. The Becoming Blueprint ecosystem offers all the benefits of a highly curated coaching process, along with the potency of getting direct wisdom from others who are walking the same path.

  • I am already exhausted and overwhelmed - life is just so full. How am I supposed to take on one more thing?

    This has been a huge year for many of us, and the exhaustion is real. We get it.

    Becoming Blueprint is not about yet another experience to pile-on, dig deeper to add to your to-do list, or overflow an already full plate. It is rather about breathing deeply, clearing space, stepping into flow and crafting an action plan from that clarity. We invest time and energy in the program to get wise to what really matters, unclog key energy drains, and clarify what is most critical to us. In Becoming Blueprint, you’ll create the space to identify what is driving your exhaustion, and build the energetic life you want within a supportive community.

    Exhaustion, force, willpower and adrenaline have had their day in the sun. It is time for a new way of being with our plans and our lives, and this is a place to lay that foundation and craft that plan. If it is ripe for you, this is a place and a program for unwinding, gathering, listening deeply - and moving from alignment and inspiration, not force. It’s about tapping into another operating system - one that is more sustainable, regenerative and authentic.

The Logistics

  • What else will be a part of the program? It is only the weekly calls?

    Each module will have many, many resources to dive deeper, all available to you in the member area. This includes links to books, podcasts, videos and research from leading thinkers on the topic for the week. Each module also includes resources to inspire and support us all - music (a community Spotify playlist), practices, poetry and inspiration bright spots. There is more than you’ll be able to take advantage of during the program itself - which is why you’ll have lifetime access to the member area, so you can come back and deep dive in an area that grabs your interest anytime (including down the road when it’s ripe for you!).

  • What is the community aspect of the program?

    We will be together as a community during the live weekly sessions and you’ll be in a small group together with your rally pod for three smaller format calls during the program. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions live during the calls and to post questions on our private members only page where you can connect with others who have similar interests or are on a similar path.

  • How do the rally pods work?

    The rally pod experience is key to the course. The pods provide a space where you can get coaching and support on your unique questions and path along the Becoming Blueprint journey within a small group of 4-6 other pod mates. The pods offer a place to connect the dots for yourself and deepen your individual learning and exploration in a supported weave. We know that growth improves exponentially when we can hear directly from other people’s experiences - so the pod is a powerful incubator.

    For the 2021 Becoming Blueprint session, Ali will facilitate your pod 3 times across the course - one small group coaching session per thread. These meetings will be a chance for a deeper-dive into your own unique experiences and challenges, and to receive individualized support and spotlight coaching if you’d like it.

    You will have option to sign-up for a Rally Pod time slot that works with your schedule when you join Becoming Blueprint. Live attendance at the three pod calls is required if you choose to participate. The pod calls will not be recorded, and your presence, if you choose to join, is essential to the learning of your fellow pod members.

  • What if I have to miss a session?

    All videos, calls, and materials will be in the member area of the website for you to access anytime during the course. If you need to miss or something comes up, or you simply want to review a topic we’ve already covered, you can find the week’s resources posted for you and available anytime.

  • What if I can't join for the Rally Pods?

    We encourage everyone to join the pods if you're able, and we appreciate that they may not work with everyone's schedule and time zone. When you join Becoming Blueprint, you will have the option to choose not to participate in the pods.

  • I want to sign up, but can’t make the live calls. Can I still join?

    YES! You are welcome - all the calls and sessions will be recorded and available for you to on your own schedule, and at your own pace in the members area. We know that for many of us, life is full and schedules are tight, so if there is ever a call you can’t make live or need to shift that week, you can login to the member area and you’ll find it there for you.

  • Do you offer scholarships?

    We want you to be here! If this program is out of your financial reach, you can request a scholarship by sending an email to [email protected] and answering these three questions:

    What is calling you to Becoming Blueprint?

    What information about your financial situation would you like us to know?

    What do you feel you can pay?

  • What if this program isn’t a fit and I don’t like it once I get started? Can I get my money back?

    The work involved in this program - the work of becoming - isn’t for everyone. It involves deep reflection, willingness to look at sometimes uncomfortable places, and courageous steps. Challenge creates change, and we know that. You can expect to be challenged in this work - and lovingly and compassionately held, with fierce belief in you and your potential.

    And, we stand by this process 100%. If you get through the first thread of the course (the first 5 sessions) and you attend fully, complete the work, and still decide it isn’t for you, we will refund you fully for the cost of the course.