Clarity and traction for how we live, work, and love is often elusive.

We are damn busy: parenting, partnering, mortgage-paying, laundry-doing, exercise-scheduling, green-smoothie-(and lets acknowledge, margarita)-drinking, and change-the-worlding.

Yet, we feel a rumbling

A yearning to live from our imaginations. From our dreams and not our fears.

Imagine with me:

What if there were an ecosystem -- an incubator for wholehearted living -- with space and freedom for us to cultivate our own unique visions and plans?

This is the Becoming Blueprint.

A virtual, live, 4-month program for potent transformation.

I created Becoming Blueprint as a place for brilliant women to gather and be welcomed, right where they are. To get support, create a strategy, and launch into the next chapter of their becoming.

This program offers you a proven process to reignite your vision for your life and launch it into reality, developed from 15 years of insights - gathered from coaching, research, and work with women around the globe.

How It Works

  • Fit the program to your schedule

    Becoming Blueprint is designed to flexibly fit into your schedule - so you can get the most out of the program.

    Attend the live virtual program sessions when you can to get the full community experience. If you can't make a session, all sessions will be recorded for you to access whenever you want - for life.

  • Dive deep on our members-only platform

    When you join Becoming Blueprint you get access to our members-only platform for life.

    Connect with your pod-mates and the full Becoming Blueprint community throughout the program and after launch. Dive into the extensive resources for each module at your own pace.

  • Ignite your learning within your Rally Pod

    During each of the three program threads you will have one session with your Rally Pod - a group of 4-6 other women from the program walking this path with you.

    I'll be live with you to facilitate each Rally pod in an intimate group coaching setting. The pods provide space for you to deepen your own learning and explore with others you are closely connected with.


Thread 1: Landing, Grounding, Arriving

Thread 1 is where we strengthen the foundation to hold the blueprinting and becoming process. In the first 5 modules, we will (re)connect to the core “why” in life and what inspires us.

We will build and deepen practices to cultivate and sustain mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing – filling the fuel tank to support what is to come. We will take a look at and ease the grip on patterns, habits, and stories that are outdated and don’t serve, and turn to what is asking for our attention from our deepest knowing.

Session 1 - Welcome: Clarify the Why and Intention Setting
Session 2 - Land and Ground: Self-Compassion 
Session 3 - Energy Management, Wellbeing and Practices
Session 4 - Rally POD
Session 5 - Releasing, Opening, Rewilding

Thread 2:  Clarifying, Exploring, Clearing Out 

In Thread 2  we clear out and create space: unlearning and untangling old patterns, habits, and mindsets. We move through the muck, the stuckness, the fog, and the fear in order to create space, ease, clarity and the open path ahead. 

These modules are all about uncovering clarity, connecting to our imaginations, and creating new patterns from a place of ease ~ opening for forward action not from force or extra willpower, but from flow.  

Session 6: Legacy  
Session 7: Clearing Obstacles 
Session 8: Rally POD
Integration Week (no scheduled session)
Session 9: Living from Imagination + Knowing
Session 10: Opening the Path

Thread 3:  Unleashing, Claiming, Launching

Thread 3 is all about design, crafting, and blueprint creation – where what we’ve been sensing into takes shape, form, and comes into the world. 

In these modules we tap into courage and inspiration to bridge into the arena of action. This module sets up for alignment as we launch into the next stage of becoming – with energy, a support team, a full tank, and a blueprint for moving ahead.

Session 11: Stepping in with Courage + Vulnerability
Session 12: Joy, Ease, and Play
Session 13: Rally POD
Session 14: Blueprint Crafting
Session 15: Support + Launch

What results will I get? 

Emerge from the program...

Reignited in your energy and imagination: I sense where I want to go, and what I want to build, and I am taking steps toward that.

Grounded in what is important and nourished by your habits: I have clarity about the aspects of life that are most important to me and I have strengthened the habits and practices that help me thrive.

Received, supported and organized: I got to take a deep breath, connect with what is real and true, and take a look at all of it in a way that was organized and supported.

Clear about what holds you back:  I saw with greater clarity where I get stuck and what holds me back, and have strategies to move into action.  Compassionate and with greater ease: I reconnected with a flow in it all - an appreciation for myself and what I’m building.

Launched into the life you want: With a blueprint for moving forward: I have a plan for creating the next chapter for me in my life.


This is the place, and we are the team.

Registration for the Becoming Blueprint program has closed.

Join the waitlist to be the first to hear about our next cohort.

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